Friday, October 23, 2009

Design Vitamin #12 Spooktacular Book Club!

Okay--I know I owe you all a zillion posts/vitamins since returning from Furniture Market---late Tuesday night.  Proceed to Wednesday where I hosted bookclub at my home---of course fresh off of Market I was full of design ideas and went a little nutty with Halloween decor and "Spooktini's". I had my husband hauling furniture for me out of my space at Oak Street Mill in downtown Cornelius.  He was not happy!  I was determined to have book club fireside---and the perfect three hundred pound organic cypress table had to leave my space. So in a very Veruca Salt way---I said I wanted  the table brought home "NOW" Lots of cursing and sweating ensued---yes my husband pretty much is a saint because when I get a bee in my bonnet I do not give up!  In the end the table looks fab--and he agreed it is a welcome addition to the  porch. Also brought home from Oak Street were these darling vintage books turned inside out so all the pages were folded with jack-o-lantern faces---get it book club? everyone that attended was very excited about the decor and theme.  I did not spend allot of money--- but EFFORT goes a log way.  I emphasize effort because that is what seperates a successful gathering from a ho-hum one.  I took empty glass hurricanes filled them with candy corn--very inexpensive.  I had the of course "blue/grey pumkins.  I enlisted my dear friend Jill to do a dip that she baked right in the oven in a pumpkin that was delicious.  Candles everywhere--a must---and please keep your candles to one color---do not have a circus of canlde colors all over the house. I have ivory, cream or white--keeps it simple.  The book we read this month was The Help by Kathryn Stockett---I highly recommend it! I am colleting my thoughts about market---lots to discuss!

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